Message from the Chairman

Following the extinction of the Rio 2016 Paralympic Games flame on 18 September 2016, Hong Kong Paralympic Committee & Sports Association for the Physically Disabled (HKPC&SAPD) proceeded immediately with the preparatory work for the Indonesia 2018 Asian Para Games.
Our athletes and coaches are dedicated to preparing for the Games with sweat and tears. Apart from engaging in local and overseas training, the sports teams also took part in various international competitions to sharpen their edges and broaden their horizon. With the launch of the Pilot Scheme for the Elite Vote Support System for Disability Sports, some of the sports are supported with a more systematical approach in long run. Coupled with backup from the government departments including the Home Affairs Bureau, the Leisure and Cultural Services Department and the Hong Kong Sports Institute, our athletes are able to concentrate on their preparation under an optimal training environment. In addition, as a continuation of the function of the Rio Paralympic Games Task Force, the Athletes Performance Enhancement Subcommittee was formed to expand its scope of support on sports science and sports medicine to drive high-level performance.
Preparatory work for this year’s Games is especially challenging. It is gratified that everyone at the Association works hand in hand to take on the challenges; special thanks to the Secretariat staff for their tireless efforts in solving the problems and striving to provide appropriate supports for the Delegation.
With the supports from all parties involved, we are delighted that a total of 101 athletes will represent Hong Kong to compete in 10 sports at the Indonesia 2018 Asian Para Games. On behalf of HKPC&SAPD, I wish our athletes all the best at the Games. We are confident that they will continue the excellence to win glory for Hong Kong.
Dr. James Lam
Hong Kong Paralympic Committee & Sports Association for the Physically Disabled